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Approval of Minutes Dr. Rock moved approval of the September 15, 2009, meeting minutes and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Removal of Curriculum Committee from Shared Governance Structure where to go from here Dr. Lott announced that the revised Shared Governance Document, which contained removal of the Curriculum Committee from the shared governance structure, had been approved by President Cale. Following a brief discussion, Dr. Peterson made a motion and Dr. Rock seconded the motion to appoint a subcommittee consisting of Lesley Peterson, as chair, Anna Lott, Tim Carter, and Vagn Hansen to make recommendations for committee chair selection, committee make-up, deans vote on committee, etc. and to report at the January 2010 meeting. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the recommendation from the Council of Academic Deans that by fall 2010, all students be able to complete the General Education Component of any undergraduate degree program through online courses offered at Dr. Stafford made a motion and Dr. Coates seconded the motion to appoint Keith Sellers, Janice Myhan, and Melissa Clark to serve as a joint subcommittee with a Distance Learning Advisory Sub-Committee to discuss the proposal and report back to both committees upon completion of deliberations. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of English for a change in the ACT/SAT prerequisite for entering the English honors program Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of English for the addition of a statement regarding a penalty for plagiarism in the Honors Program in English Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Peterson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. It was suggested to Dr. Smith that because the form is submitted electronically, he revise the Academic Misconduct Report Form to remove the signature requirement and replace it with an I have read and agree . . . statement. Consideration of the request from the Department of Music and Theatre for change in course title of MU 131, 132, and 133 Dr. Joubert moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Music and Theatre for a change in prerequisites for the 200-, 300-, and 400-level applied music courses Dr. Joubert moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Music and Theatre for a new course MU 011; Consideration of the request from the Department of Music and Theatre for the addition of six semesters of MU 011 to Option II Performance, Option III Vocal/Choral, and Option IV Instrumental Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Sellers seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Psychology for the addition of MA 115 or MA 125 to the existing MA 112 course that can satisfy the Area III Mathematics requirement Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Peterson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the College of Nursing for the addition of prerequisite course NU 200 to list of required prerequisite courses for Accelerated BSN program Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Carter seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the College of Nursing for the addition of a study abroad course, NU 499, as an elective of 1-3 credits Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Stafford seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the College of Nursing for change in admission criteria Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Coates seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the College of Nursing for change in program goals Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Sellers seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Physics and Earth Science for change in title of PH 456 and PH 471; Consideration of the request from the Department of Physics and Earth Science for inactivation of PH 472; Consideration of the request from the Department of Physics and Earth Science for increase in hours of PH 480-489 Dr. Carter moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Music and Theatre for change in course numbers: MU 201, 202, 220, 221, 301, 302 Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Sellers seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Music and Theatre for change in title of MU 397; Consideration of the request from the Department of Music and Theatre for change in title of MU 127-427, 128-428 Dr. Stafford moved approval and Dr. Peterson seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Consideration of the request from the Department of Sociology for a new minor, Family Studies Dr. Rock moved approval and Dr. Joubert seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Dr. Thornell commended the department for pursuit of an interdisciplinary program. Consideration of the request from the Department of Chemistry and Industrial Hygiene for addition of IH 496 as a requirement for industrial hygiene majors Dr. Coates moved approval and Dr. Rock seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Revision of UCC-1 Form By consensus, the UCC-1 Form will be revised to add a category for New Minor. Upon motion by Dr. Stafford, the meeting adjourned at 4:25 p.m. _____________________________________ Anna Lott, Chairperson 1:@DEMVY]v鿳wlaVKh$mh>`rCJaJh$mhK(CJaJh$mhFyCJaJh$mh$CJaJhA\CJaJh$mh:rCJaJh$mhsCJaJh$mh>CJaJh3nCJaJh$mhCJaJh$mh5CJaJh$mhK(5CJaJh3n5CJaJh$mh$5CJaJhA\5CJaJh$mh,`X5CJaJh$mh,`XCJaJAwxy  2 3   [\A~i `dd[$\$gd- `dd[$\$gdE:`gdr._gdr._ Hgdr._ H0^`0gdr._ * ? 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